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Inchmead appointed as principal in €27-million fund raise

Inchmead Accountants' Complex Matters Team are appointed by a European AI company to seek €27-million in funding

Today, Graham Arnott, who holds the position of Partner of Complex Matters at Inchmead Accountants, announced that their firm has taken on the role of primary facilitator for procuring and negotiating a €27-million capital infusion needed by an AI company in Europe.

This funding aims to provide the necessary liquidity and operational funds to propel the ongoing advancement of their highly specialized AI and algorithmic model, a project that has been under development for some time. Their efforts are being accelerated, along with many other enterprises in the field, by the rapid development and expansion of both knowledge and application in this area of technology.

While specific avenues for the funding have not yet been pinpointed, it is anticipated that the capital will be amassed through a blend of private equity investments and loan arrangements.

According to Graham Arnott, the firm is enthusiastic about the potential of entering the funding market and foresees the possibility of securing preliminary agreements within the coming months.

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