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  • Writer's pictureInchmead


Our employees and clients are of the utmost importance to us and safety for all is our first concern. Following government guidance, our offices will close on Wednesday 4 November 2020, and not reopen until Wednesday 2 December 2020.

We are regularly reviewing and adhering to Government and NHS advice on how the virus can be managed and contained, and we have robust plans in place which we adapt to the latest Government advice as it changes and the situation continues to evolve. Our Executive is constantly examining how we can limit the impact of the virus within the firm and the service we are offering to our clients. We have put in place a series of steps and measures to keep our colleagues safe, and allowing us to continue to serve our customers.

We have rolled out homeworking across the firm for all roles where this is possible.

We appreciate that you may require additional or altered services during this period for your business continuity. Please let us know of any additional support you need from us and we will do our very best to accommodate you.

Please stay safe. We wish you and your family well.





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