Deloitte has secured a contract worth up to £100m to help HMRC co-design a digital platform for exporters dealing with the new single trade window project
Under the deal, which runs for an initial term of three years, the Big Four firm will design and maintain a ‘new digital system’ for companies exporting to the EU.
Following Brexit, the UK has to put in place new regulatory and tax measures for international trade.
The Single Trade Window (STW) project, which forms part of the government’s wider 2025 UK border strategy, intends to provide exporters with a single digital platform to reduce form-filling and make it easier to share data between HMRC, DEFRA and the Home Office.
Launched in December 2020, the Single Trade Window is being led by HMRC, but Deloitte has been hired as the programme's ‘technology delivery partner’ to design, build and operate the IT platform.
With a revised delivery date of 31 March 2027 from the initial 2023 launch date, the agreement with Deloitte will run for three years. The overall project has estimated costs of £180m.
HMRC’s contract notice said: ‘The chosen supplier will need to work flexibly with the Single Trade Window programme and its delivery partners across HMG departments to ensure the service design and delivery of the Single Trade Window is fit for now and for the future, to enable the range of ambitious border transformations that government is undertaking.
‘These ambitions include the integration of supply chain data into HMG’s border model which HMG is currently piloting with industry.’
The project is modelled on systems used by other governments, including Canada, New Zealand and Sweden.
Deloitte has been a core part of the UK government’s delivery of Brexit and earned £147m in fees for Brexit related consulting work, compared with £40m just two years earlier.